How Do Video Games Influence Human Behaviour?

The question of how video games influence human behaviour has become a topic of interest. While it is difficult to determine what effects games may have on the brain, several studies have shown some exciting results. Playing video games can hurt how people act. However, there are also some advantages of the games, and if the game can encourage prosocial behaviour, it can have positive outcomes.

How Do Video Games Influence Human Behaviour?

Violence in Video Games

The effects of violence in video games on human behaviour have been studied in Eastern and Western countries. Most studies have reported results that show no correlation between violence and video game use, but some have found a small positive relationship. Some studies have found that exposure to violent video games can increase adolescent aggression.

Despite this, some researchers have challenged this theory, and other studies have shown no correlation between violent video games and aggression. For example, Dr Cheryl Olson, co-founder of the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Mental Health and Media, led a study of 1,254 public school students. She and her colleagues found that exposure to violent video games was associated with aggressive thoughts and behaviours.

Effects on Aggression

Video games may cause aggressive behaviour in some players. However, they are not the only influencing factors. Researchers have found that other factors can also affect adolescent aggression. The effects of video games on aggression are a contentious topic. A few studies have shown positive and negative correlations between violent video game use and aggressive behaviours. Other researchers have questioned the connection.

Some studies used self-report questionnaires and other measures to determine the effect of video games on aggression. In some cases, aggressive behaviour was measured regarding how frequently people subject others to unpleasant exposures. Others looked at the likelihood of subjecting others to loud noise or hot sauce. One study used a four-week training program to measure the impact of video gaming on aggressive social interactions. This study showed no overall conclusion but provided exciting insights into more comprehensive emotional behaviour.

Effects on the Brain

Video games affect the brain in several ways. They demand quick reaction time, visual attention, and persistence. These skills can improve a person's information-processing and problem-solving abilities. However, some adverse effects can occur, including mood changes and an increased risk of violence. In a recent study, neuroscientists at the University of California-Irvine studied the effects of playing 3-D video games on the brain. Participants completed questionnaires and a Raven Matrices Test before undergoing an MRI scan.

The researchers found that gamers had higher brain activity in memory regions and areas that help with attention. This may reflect their ability to process visual information more efficiently. Children who spent at least three hours per day playing video games were found to have more active frontal lobes. This brain area is associated with cognitively demanding tasks, such as executive control and intelligence tests.

Effects on Prosocial Behaviour

There has been a great deal of research into the effects of video games on prosocial behaviour. In short, exposure to prosocial video games increases a person's ability to cooperate and help others. Research also shows that violent video games can negatively affect a person's social relationships. The effects of video games on prosocial behaviour may not be entirely positive. Studies show that exposure to violent video games can lead to aggressive behaviours.

However, some studies suggest that playing prosocial games can reduce hurtful behaviour. Prosocial video games are designed to boost interpersonal empathy, which can be used to foster good relationships. In addition, the general learning model indicates that high exposure to a particular video game will increase a player's tendency to do prosocial things.

Inconsistencies in Research Methodology

Video game aggression research has been a heated topic in the scientific literature. One camp of researchers strongly suggests that violent video games increase aggression. The other indicates that there is minimal evidence of any effect. Both camps are based on different perspectives of aggression. In one study, Greitmeyer reported on the effects of violent video games on aggressive behaviour. He found an average effect size of 0.17 for development, cognition, and aggression.

Those exposed to violent video games showed significant positive correlations to their normative beliefs about aggression. A second model of aggression, the Catalyst Model, suggested that genetic predisposition to aggressive temperament leads to aggressive adult behaviour. Specifically, the individual is more likely to act aggressively during environmental strain. This model relies on priming effects to increase the accessibility of aggressive thoughts.

Author Bio

Tobin John is a research-based content writer for Research Prospect. He provides ideas for dissertation topics, dissertation ideas and many more services to students of all levels, and their experts are all UK-qualified.  Mr Tobin holds a PhD degree in mass communication. He loves to express his views on various issues, including education, technology, and more.


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