The Impact Of Video Games On Education

Video games have played a massive role in the education industry. They have improved reading skills, helped increase workplace readiness, and advanced students' interest in technology. However, they can also have a negative impact.

The Impact Of Video Games On Education

Workplace Readiness

As the digital world continues to grow, the impact of video games on education and workplace readiness is increasingly essential. While the industry has been around for years, the role of video games in the classroom is growing, and more research is being done. Video games teach many different skills and help build students' confidence. Players develop these skills through problem-solving, which leads to conflict resolution, and they learn how to apply them in the real world. In addition, games provide instantaneous feedback. Players can be encouraged to try again and improve their performance.

Educators have begun to use games as a tool to increase student engagement. One example is Quest to Learn, a public school that uses game design as the foundation for learning. Students earn avatars and tools to create games as they study the design of different games. According to the President's Council on Advisors on Science and Technology, the nation needs a STEM workforce. The Common Core State Standards Initiative, established in 2009, emphasizes higher-order thinking skills and student success in the global economy.

Improved Reading Skills

If you think video games are just for fun, you might be surprised to hear that they have been shown to enhance reading skills. Researchers have found that gamers have improved their speed and accuracy at reading tasks. Besides helping players learn to focus on words, the games also improve their attentional and visual motor skills. This could lead to better game designs that help kids maintain healthy habits.

One study found that playing an action video game for six weeks could boost a child's reading ability. The study tested the reading abilities of 151 children aged 8 to 12 years old. These were divided into two groups: one played an action video game developed by researchers, and the other played a non-action game.

A study published in Nature Human Behaviour journal found that the game could make children better readers. They tested participants' reading abilities immediately after training and six months later. Children who played the action video game showed a seven-fold improvement in their ability to concentrate on reading tasks.

Increased Interest In Technology

Technology in the classroom provides easy access to information and allows students to practice what they are learning. It also allows students to deepen their understanding of complex concepts. While technology is a boon to the classroom, some challenges can make implementation difficult. For example, educators must find ways to motivate students for homework. The use of games is one way to engage students. However, research on whether or not games help children learn has been mixed.

Using gaming to teach mathematics, for example, has increased student mastery. Researchers at the University of Oklahoma found that a calculus game developed by the university increased students' knowledge of the subject. Gaming is a medium that is becoming increasingly pervasive. More and more schools are using games to enhance instruction. Some universities are even offering courses that focus on gaming and game design.

Computer games can be used to support students' learning, and the industry is estimated to be worth $268.8 billion by 2021. Despite this demand, they are not widely used in K-12 classrooms due to limited technology access and teachers' lack of training.

Increased Sense Of Wellbeing

A recent study found that video games can improve children's well-being. It also suggests that it is essential for the games themselves and how young people play them. The researchers studied data on 61,759 school students. They compared the time spent playing video games to other forms of activity. Those who played longer hours reported feeling better.

The findings suggest that video games are not only effective in promoting positive emotions, but they can boost social communication as well. In addition, they can improve vision and heart rhythms. Research also has shown that some types of video gaming can help to reduce conduct problems. Despite these findings, more research is needed to determine if this effect applies to different game types and demographics. Additionally, more studies are required to evaluate how adolescent gamers' characteristics may affect their well-being.

Previous research has been based on self-reported data. However, an increasing body of research supports the benefits of interactive games for adolescents. Several studies have shown that action video game play increases attention, visual processing, executive function, and symbolic processing.

Author Bio

Tobin John holds a PhD degree from a prestigious university. He is associated with one of the best business plan writing services and has been providing professional business writing services for over 15 years. After completing his Master, he started providing online business writing services on different platforms. Once his PhD was completed, he professionally joined service providers and now works for them.


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